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Podcast #49 - Bruce Lipton
Podcast #49 is out. Every now and then we have requests to feature a previously released podcast. Today’s episode debuted August 2006, and we think you’ll agree the topic is fresh as ever – The Biology of Belief with renowned author and speaker Dr. Bruce Lipton.
It’s especially appropriate, since you will receive this while I am in Tonga swimming with the whales -- reinforcing healthy beliefs and adventure with our clients on a Productive Learning & Leisure Learning Vacation titled Spirit Quest!
In this Episode you will hear:
-- The difference between the "new biology" and the "old biology."
-- How our perceptions, attitudes and thoughts about our environment affect our day-to-day existence.
-- How there are no real "cancer genes."
-- Why some people express "spontaneous remission" from illnesses.
-- How "everyday stress" affects our body's cells and their ability to keep us healthy or prone to dis-ease.
-- How our early formative years establish a subconscious belief system far more powerful than our conscious mind.
-- What we can do today to stop the "playback" of our default behaviors.
-- And much more!
After you listen to the podcast post your thoughts below. In addition, you can leave your feedback by phone. Simply call 1-800-609-9006 x3144 and record your comments and tell me what you think.
This episode is approximately 37 minutes long. To listen to it, click on the play button below:
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Technorati Tags: Bruce Lipton, The New Biology, Biology of Belief, Mind Body Connection, Xtraordinary Living,, Rick Itzkowich
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